Amazon Unveils Smartphone

At a press conference in Seattle today, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos unveiled Amazon's new smartphone, the Fire Phone:
Amazon entered the smartphone war on Wednesday with the Fire Phone, a feature-packed device built for shopping and aimed at turning up the heat on rivals Apple and Google.

...The Fire Phone will pitch Amazon into a fight dominated by Apple and Samsung, which dominate the smartphone market. But the company is clearly taking aim at Google, too, as the search giant tries to build its own media and music business through Google Play.

Amazon has struck deals with Netflix, HBO Go and Hulu Plus to stream movies and TV on the device, and Bezos made clear he was courting the millions of people who use its Amazon Prime service to get music and films to encourage them to swap devices.

...Bezos also revealed the device will use its four cameras to show images in "dynamic perspective" – technology that will render maps, pictures of clothing and other images with a 3D perspective. The cameras will also allow the phone to recognise head gestures from users to change the display. The phone is equipped with a Quad-core 2.2GHz processor, Adreno 330 graphics and 2GB of RAM.

...Bezos announced that the phone would run a program called Firefly that recognise items including songs, books, groceries and then enable you to buy them from Amazon.
Ha ha of course it will.

I can't even imagine wanting a phone that constantly prompts me to buy shit from Amazon, but that's just me! Maybe you think the Fire Phone sounds terrific? Discuss!

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