Photo of the Day

screen cap of Michael Sam, a young black man and new NFL draftee, kissing his boyfriend Vito Cammisano, a young white man, on live television after Sam's draft announcement was made

The US National Football League went through six rounds of drafting, and it looked for a moment like Michael Sam, the Missouri All-American who disclosed publicly that he's gay in February, might be overlooked. But then, in the seventh round on Saturday, Sam was drafted by the St. Louis Rams. Like many, many, many young players before him, Sam broke into joyful tears and planted a kiss on his partner, Vito Cammisano.

And then they ate celebratory cake, and it was super cute. The end.

[Content Note: Homophobia.] Except, of course, that wasn't the end for a bunch of fucking bigots. But I'm not giving them any time in this space. Because fuck them.

Congratulations, Michael Sam! For being chosen to begin the next step in your desired career, and for being awesome.

It doesn't feel awesome to live one's life in a way where even simple ordinary acts are political statements, but for the people who can't safely do the same, and for the kids whose world is literally being changed by your visible presence in it, it's awesome as fuck.

I hope that fact brings Sam some small comfort in whatever difficult times may lie ahead on his trailblazing journey.

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