Jena Irene

I haven't been paying much attention to American Idol this season, because, well, my early favorites left the competition pretty early, and also my favorites almost never win, anyway. (Last season being a notable exception.) But last week, Jena Irene made me sit up and pay attention.

Video Description: Jena Irene, a 17-year-old white young woman, sits at a piano on the American Idol stage to perform a cover of "Can't Help Falling in Love." In the middle of the performance, which is awesome, Jennifer Lopez, a 44-year-old Latina woman, mouths the word "fuuuuuuuuuuck" at fellow judge Keith Urban, who is offscreen. At the end of the performance, Lopez stands up and walks to Jena Irene onstage and gives her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

And then last night, she did this.

Video Description: Jena Irene sits at a piano to perform a cover of Radiohead's "Creep." Which is also amazing.

So, basically, what I'm telling you is that I am now totally invested in Jena Irene one week before the finale, probably just to watch her to lose to one of the two white dudes left in the competition. I HOPE I AM WRONG AND SHE WINS EVERYTHING! The end.

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