[Content Note: Racism; carcerality.]

Last month, I wrote about Mike Anderson, the man who, because of a clerical error, was never asked to report to prison to serve his sentence of 13 years after being convicted of armed robbery. That is, until the error was discovered, and Anderson, who had spent the intervening time building a lawful and productive life, was taken to prison after a SWAT team armed with automatic weapons showed up at his front door while he was making breakfast for his three-year-old daughter.

Now, Anderson is a free man again:
Today, after 10 months behind bars, a judge gave him back his freedom.

The AP reports:
Judge Terry Lynn Brown lauded Anderson's "exemplary" behavior during his 13 years of freedom before the arrest. "You've been a good father. You've been a good husband. You've been a good taxpaying citizen of the state of Missouri. That leads me to believe that you are a good man and a changed man."

As the judge announced his decision, about 10 of Anderson's relatives broke out in sobs and cried. Anderson stared straight ahead but dabbed tears from his eyes. Afterward, he hugged his toddler daughter tight. The hearing lasted about 10 minutes.
In a statement, Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster said he was pleased with the outcome.
I could not be happier for Anderson and his family and friends.

Ten months in prison, however, is no small thing. I can't imagine the disruption to his and his family's lives, and I desperately hope that he and his family are able to restore what has been lost.

[H/T to Shaker Miranda.]

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