
[Content Note: Gender essentialism.]

Hey, remember the lady who decided to earn a marriage proposal from her boyfriend by making him 300 sandwiches? Well, you'll be happy to hear she's now engaged. And has a book deal! Because of course she does.

And it only took 257 sandwiches.

As for those of us who didn't find it charming that a woman was publicly documenting winning her boyfriend's promise of marriage by making him sandwiches, well, we can LEARN TO HUMOR sheesh: "If he wasn't the kind of guy that was worth one sandwich, I wouldn't be making 300 sandwiches. And plus it was a joke. It was light, it's funny. Come on, it's a sandwich. It's supposed to be just lighthearted."

It's not my fault that I'm the Most Humorless Feminist in all of Nofunnington. Take it up with the assholes who tell me to STFU and make them a sandwich.

[Video Description: A clip from the film Bridesmaids in which Kristen Wiig is riding in the passenger seat of a car driven by Jon Hamm, who tells her: "It's called humor. Learn about it!"]

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