Shaker Garden Thread: April Edition

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Heya, Shakers! What's growing? It's (finally) spring in this part of the world, so it seems like a good time to ask about everyone's growing projects. How are they going? What have you planted? What's sprouting or blooming? If it's not spring yet, what are your plans? If you're a Southern Hemisphere Shaker, how is your autumn garden? Whether it's a windowsill of herbs or outdoor vegetable beds, houseplants or patio plants or flowerpots or whatever, feel free to share your green thumb-ery here!

For me, last fall's bulb-planting paid off in a big way! Lots of early crocuses popped up, the random daffodil mix I bought looked great, and I even managed some tulips--always a feat in this Southern clime. One of my favourites was this multi-flowered daffodill.

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Other perennials are off to a slow start, but I don't expect very much from their first year. Iris, peony, and perennial poppies have all made an appearance, even though they haven't bloomed, so that's a good sign. I'm also really happy with the progress of the herbs (wormwood, pennyroyal, tansy, rosemary) I planted in some particularly difficult perennial beds. They seem to be healthy and will provide some green when other plants struggle. Or at least that's the idea!

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The veggie garden is showing signs of life, too! I planted some crops last fall and in February for early spring harvest; the radishes are flourishing really well. There's also lettuce, onions, and even some peas(below) from those plantings. Despite some late frosts, the many kinds of squash/pumpkin seeds I planted this spring have made their appearance. I've also gotten sprouts from the gourd, cantaloupe, watermelon, and cucumber seeds. Unfortunately the "live" tomato and pepper plants I ordered from Gurney's were delivered dead, so I just bought some tomato, pepper, and eggplants from Lowe's to set out. Fortunately, the live tomato and groundcherry plants I ordered from Seed Savers' Exchange arrived healthy and in good order! Except for re-sowing some annual flowers (zinnias, sunflower), I think my planting is done.

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How about you? Any buds, flowers, or veggies yet? Or anything else of note? Feel free to share pictures and stories about your garden (or patio, or windowsill, or houseplant) projects in this thread. Non-growing projects are welcome too; if you want to share something you're building, a pot you're painting, or the like, feel free. Happy gardening, Shakers!

[Commenting reminder: Please respect that different gardeners have different needs and goals, and refrain from auditing others' choices on issues such as organic gardening, water usage, soil development, plant supply venues, and the like.]

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