I Get Letters

[Content Note: Rape culture.]

Recently, after I said for the third or tenth or one biebillionth time "There's no neutral in rape culture," Shaker masculine_lady asked if she could make stickers with that phrase on it, to which of course I agreed.

Yesterday, in the mail, I received some of the stickers, because masculine_lady is awesome:

images of a sheet of stickers; each sticker is a blue dialogue bubble with the words 'there's no neutral in rape culture' inside

I am going to have some fun with those stickers. Watch out dudes who think skeevy bumper stickers are hilarious! Your stickers are about to get STUCK!

And because masculine_lady is also hilarious as well as a superhero anti-rape advocate, I received the stickers inside a card, personalized with this heartfelt note:

image of card in which masculine_lady has handwritten: 'HI LISS!' in giant block letters, with 'Love, Cristy xoxoxo' just below

Further, the stickers were tucked inside this beautiful piece of modern art:

image of a photo of bananas fashioned into a dachshund

When masculine_lady and I met in person for the first time at the Forging Justice conference, we started an ongoing joke about a breakfast banana, and have been sending each other various images of bananas ever since, because of course we have.

Basically, this is a pretty good encapsulation of Shakesville for me: A serious commentary on social justice, wrapped inside a joke, delivered in a personal way between two friends whose friendship was forged out of shared passion and beloved community.

[All shared with masculine_lady's permission, including the use of her real first name.]

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