Here Is Just a Great Video of a Man Finding Out That's He's Going to Be a Grandpa

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww blub!

An older white man with a mustache, wearing a blue Cubs jacket, sits in a booth at a restaurant. He opens a little package and pulls out a pacifier with a note attached. At first he doesn't notice the note.

He laughs. (He has a great laugh.) "This looks like something you used to suck on when you was little," he says.

"Yeah?" says his daughter, from behind the camera. "You should probably read it."

He reads the note, which is a note from his only daughter, 20 years after her mother and his wife died, informing him that he's going to be a grandfather. His eyes widen and his entire face lights up. He laughs. "All right!" His daughter and (presumably) her male partner laugh.

He reads the note again, cradling the pacifier in his hands, then clutches it to his chest and smiles. "Really?" he asks excitedly.

They laugh. "Yeah!" says his daughter.

"Aw!" he says. He looks down at the pacifier cradled in his hands. His eyes well up. He clutches it to his chest again, grinning. His daughter laughs happily as he wipes away tears.

"Told you he was gonna cry," she says, though joyful laughter. He cries. "I'm ten weeks," she says. He puts his hand to his mouth and looks at her.
Congratulations to the whole family and best wishes for an uneventful pregnancy and safe birth!

[Via Marisa.]

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