Discussion Thread: Validation

What piece of validation do you find yourself needing to hear most often? Something you already know, intellectually, but, for whatever reason, need the reminder in the form of a compliment, a reassurance, someone else "giving you permission" to believe or do or feel.

It could be anything, from your appearance to your talents to your right to express anger. Maybe it's multiple things. Maybe it's only certain things in certain contexts.

Have at it.

[As always, please don't pass judgment on other people's comments. What might seem to you to be "superficial" or "unnecessary" or whatever may have a personal context for the person who needs to hear it that is well outside your personal experience. Also: We don't task individuals with solving systemic problems in this space, and insecurities born of a culture that does its damnedest to instill them is not a sign of weakness.]

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