All Right Then

Reboot! Reboot it all! Reboot everything! Rebooooooooooooot:
Matthew Perry is rebooting The Odd Couple for CBS, and now his Oscar has a Felix: Thomas Lennon has been cast as the neat one in the pair, according to Variety. Lennon was on the recently canceled Sean Saves the World, but to true believers, he'll always be Lieutenant Dangle from Reno 911. A straight-forward remake of The Odd Couple seems, oh, odd, given how many shows are already basically The Odd Couple, but sure, let's give it a go. Familiar name, familiar setup, familiar stars — now all it has to do is be funny.
It takes a special sort of not giving a fuck to reboot The Odd Couple in the year of our lord Jesus Jones two thousand and fourteen and cast two cishet white guys.

I mean, today's technology means I can practically have the old movie (with cishet white guys Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau) or the old teevee episodes (with cishet white guys Tony Randall and Jack Klugman) beamed directly into my head. Why do I need this remake?

Answer: I don't.

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