
All the blubs forever.

News anchor Dana Hutchings, a thin white middle-aged woman, in studio, speaks directly to the camera: "For years, Tinney Davidson has waved at students as they walked to the nearby high school. Today she learned just how much her simple act has meant to those going by. Kendall Hanson has the story."

Cut to video of an elderly white lady sitting in a chair by her front window, waving and smiling. As teenagers walk by, they wave back. In voiceover, the male reporter says: "If you walk by Tinney Davidson's home, there's a good chance you may see her gregarious smile and enthusiastic wave. It's something students walking to and from Highland Secondary have noticed, and The Wave has become part of their daily routine."

Cut to an interview with Tinney, who smiles as she says: "I just like the look of the children, and, and they all looked in, and I thought, well, if they're looking in, I'll wave to them! And that's how it started."

In voiceover, the Hanson says to a thin white teenage boy: "It seems like all the kids always wave at her." The boy replies: "Yeah. At first, it was pretty strange, so, you know, you'd wave back, but then it started to become a thing."

Over footage of Tinney waving, Hanson says in voiceover: "Tinney and her late husband Ken Davidson started waving at the passing kids when they moved to this home in 2007." [image of small white house; photo of Tinney and Ken, an elderly white man] "A couple of years ago, Ken passed away. But Tinney has continued what had become their tradition."

Cut to an interview with Tinney, who smiles as she says: "I love it! And they seem to like it also! So, you know, it's been a fun few years."

Over footage of students welcoming Tinney to the school, Hanson says in voiceover: "The students feel likewise, and so, this Valentine's Day, the school invites Tinney to an assembly. And she has no idea what she is in for."

A white male student says on a mic that they want to repay the kindness "she has shown us." Hanson says in voiceover: "A rock star welcome." Students jump to their feet and wave and cheer and applaud, as Tinney waves back at them. A white female student wishes on a mic wishes her a happy Valentine's Day and gives her a basket of handmade hearts. Hanson: "Student-made Valentines." On a big screen, a white male student thanks her, followed by video of students waving. Hanson: "And a video of thanks for all the waves." Tinney dabs at tears with a tissue.

Cut to an interview with a white female student, who says: "She waves at me every day as I walk to school, and I can always count on her to be that warm smile on a dreary day."

Cut to a white female student, who smiles as she says: "She does it on your way to school, and she does it at lunch, and she does it after school."

Cut to a white female student, who says: "She's just one of those people who's like pumping everyone's attitude up."

Cut to a white female student, who says: "It makes everyone stay a little bit brighter."

Cut to Tinney, in the auditorium, who says, laughing: "I'm overwhelmed by all this; it's just wonderful."

Over video of students hugging Tinney, Hanson says: "A reminder that seemingly small gestures can make a big impact. On behalf of all the hearts you've warmed, Tinney Davidson, happy Valentine's Day."
I mean, I just love everything about this. Again, I am struck by the colossal power of basic connection between people. "Hi, I'm a human, and it looks like you're a human, too! Hi!"

Hi. I see you.

[H/T to Veronica, who saw it at Twisted Sifter.]

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