Blog Note

I'm going to be posting the Virtual Pub shortly, because we're taking a long weekend, and I just wanted to let you know why.

For one, my back is still royally screwed up. But also because I have some personal stuff to attend to over the next couple of days.

I lost an old family friend unexpectedly last week, and the funeral is this weekend. He's not someone to whom I was close; he was a dear friend's father, and I am so sad for my friend and his family. I'm sad that they lost Terry, and I'm sad that they lost him in such a sudden way, not that death is necessarily easier even when one is prepared for it.

And I am sad that Terry is gone. It's true to say we weren't close, but we were glad to see each other when we did. He was woven into the fabric of my life for a very long time. He is in all of the pictures from the major events in my young life, proms and graduations and parties, because I shared those events with his son. I went to Terry's wedding, when he was remarried, and I swam in his pool and made out on his couch and hung my legs over the side of his boat and danced with him at a bar.

Lots of dads can be intimidating when you're a kid, you know? But Terry always made me feel welcome. He was always nice to me.

He was a a first degree black belt in Okinawan karate, and an avid boat enthusiast. He loved my friend, his son.

I am sad that he is gone.

* * *

Although I am always appreciative of well-wishing, there is no need at all to feel obliged; I just wanted to post something informational for the Shakers who tend to worry when I deviate from my routine.

See you Tuesday.

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