Case in Point

[Content Note: Fat hatred.]

In case you needed yet another example of how fat hatred is, in fact, not about "health," the way that fat-hating body policers constantly assert that it is, but is instead about aesthetics, here is an actual headline at NBC: "Your spin class addiction may be the reason you're gaining weight."
Celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson recently told Redbook magazine that those trendy, expensive spinning classes can actually make you gain weight -- particularly in your thighs, and particularly if all you're doing for exercise is spinning.
That's the opening paragraph. Later, we get:
Spin class can indeed add bulk to your thighs – but keep in mind that it's muscle, of course, not fat.
Keep that in mind. But also remember that no one likes ladies with—gasp!—BULKY THIGHS. Oh the humanity.

Make sure to diversify your workout, so your healthfulness doesn't come at the cost of an aesthetically displeasing body, ladies.

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