The Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by winter flowers.

Recommended reading:

Imani: [Content Note: Racism; whitewashing] Paying Tribute to Nelson Mandela

David: Why Do They Hate Obamacare So Much? This Might Have Something to Do with It...

Sheila: [CN: Class warfare; food insecurity] Cutting Food Stamps Is Just Bad Policy

Jess: [CN: Clothes policing; misogyny; slut-shaming] How Accepting Leggings as Pants Made Me a Better Feminist

BYP: [CN: Racism; police harassment] Black Police Officer Racially Profiled, Falsely Arrested by White Cops While Off Duty

Andy: [CN: Homophobia] Judge Hears Challenge to Utah's Gay Marriage Ban; Will Rule Early Next Year

Sean: The Spark in the Park

Nick: Ballet Cat

Leave your links and recommendations in comments...

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