
[Content Note: Classism.]

What the shit is this article?

Actual Headline: "Hate your job? You probably live in the US."

Actual Lede: "The relentless drudgery of working nine 'til five is a common gripe all over the world, but according to a survey by recruitment website Monster.com, U.S. workers hate going to the office the most."

Actual Nonscientific Survey Generalized to Entire World: "The survey...was sponsored by Monster.com and conducted by market research firm GfK. ...GfK interviewed 8,000 people as part of the survey over the telephone, including 1,007 respondents based in the U.S. For the countries profiled—Canada, France, Germany, India, Netherlands, UK and U.S.—respondents were asked to choose one of five options when asked how they felt about their jobs: love it, like it a lot, like it, don't like it, don't love it at all."

There is so much wrong with this garbage I hardly know where to begin.

Not everyone in the world works in an office. Not everyone in the US works in an office. Very few people who do work in an office in the US (and lots of other places) work "nine 'til five" these days. Not everyone wants to work in an office. Not everyone has access to the education and opportunities that are required for lots of office jobs, especially the "lovable" ones. I could go on for days. DAYS.

Have at it in comments.

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