
Because the mainstream entertainment industry is entirely bereft of new ideas, since anyone who might have the temerity to propose a project that isn't a remake, reboot, sequel, or another tiresome iteration of some seen-it replication of kyriarchal narratives upholding privilege is summarily booted out of the office of whatever money-grubbing executive has been tasked with finding the next box office smash to appeal to young white straight men, Paramount is turning the movie Ghost into a TV show. Sure.
This marks the first project to come out of Paramount's re-launched television division and signals its plans to mine the studio's movie library and team with experienced film and TV writers for series adaptations.
"Mine the studio's movie library." LOL! That's a nice way of putting it.

I really thought we'd reached the nadir of filching old shit to make new garbage when Universal decided to turn the board game Battleship into a movie, but apparently new ideas are still out of fashion.

I just hope Paramount has the courageous vision to reimagine Sam and Molly as hot teens. No one wants to see people over 30 in their paranormal romances these days. YUCK!

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