Whoooooops Your TV Show

[Content Note: Homophobia; misogyny.]

Following his suspension after he was filmed shouting homophobic epithets at a paparazzo, Alec Baldwin's MSNBC show has been canceled. *sad trombone* And obviously he has great things to say about it, because he's terrific.

Naturally, one wonders why it is that MSNBC hired him in the first place, since this wasn't the first time that Baldwin has done precisely this thing.

I suppose they had a fun little sit-down where Baldwin promised, pinky swore, crossed his heart that he wouldn't ever do it again.

Here's a little bit of advice to "progressive" news organizations—or anyone, really—considering hiring someone: If you have to make someone's employment contingent on their promise to not ever scream hateful epithets at other people in the middle of the street, maybe don't hire them.

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