Shaker Thumbs

We haven't had a Shaker Thumbs in more than a year (!), so we're long overdue. Shaker Thumbs is your opportunity to give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to a product or service you have used and that you'd recommend to other Shakers or warn them away from.

Today, I am giving a big thumbs up to my Joseph Joseph Elevate Carousel:

image of a grey holder with colorful kitchen utensils hanging on it

This, from the product description, is what makes the utensils so fantastic: "Each tool has an innovative weighted handle with an integrated tool rest, ensuring that, when an Elevate™ utensil is placed down, its head is always raised off of the work surface." No more constantly washing my spoon rest after every time I cook, and no more getting food on the counter if I set a utensil down in the middle of cooking. They are THE BEST!

image of the pasta spoon sitting on my counter
Here's the pasta spoon on my counter, so you can see what I mean.

I got this set a long time ago, probably at least a year ago now, and I use them all the time. They've been through countless hand-washings and dishwasher cycles. They've held up beautifully. I got a set for my friend Ari for her birthday, and she loved them so much she bought a set for another friend, who loved them so much... Et cetera.

They're a little pricey, but, in my experience so far, totally worth the cost. They've held up way, way better than any cheaper utensil set I've ever had.

(Also: I got my set on eBay, for less than the retail price. If you keep your eyes peeled, you might find a good deal, too!)

Just to be abundantly clear, I am not affiliated in any way with Joseph Joseph, nor am I receiving any form of payment for recommending this item. It's just a thing I've personally found super useful and am happy to recommend.

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