Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Nice_Shirt: "On nights when you have very little time, energy, and/or spoons to get dinner on the table for yourself, partner, family, etc., what are your 'go to' recipes/meal ideas to get everyone eating something good, fast?"

One of my favorite things in the world is my little $30 Hamilton Beach steamer, which makes dinner so easy. A piece of fish or chicken breasts in the bottom, and some veggies up top, and we've got a beautiful dinner in 30 minutes or less.

Typically, I'll make a quick little shallot and white wine sauce to go with it, or, if not, just a little salt and pepper will do. Also: When I have the time and energy, I make compound herb or avocado butters (example recipe) and freeze them, so when I do something in the steamer, I can just cut a thin slice off the frozen roll for flavor, which melts on top after I plate everything from the steamer. Easy and delicious!

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