Programming Notes

1. A couple of people using IE have reported having issues with comments loading. Disqus recommended clearing out your browser's cache and cookies, and the people who were having problems now say comments are loading again. So, if you've been having problems, give that a try.

2. I've heard that some users are being served pop-up ads. I have no idea why that would be the case, as I am not signed up with any service to serve ads. I'm not participating in Google ads nor Disqus ads, nor have I given consent to any company to serve ads at the site. First, I want to apologize to anyone who's been served an ad. Secondly, since I'm not seeing these ads, I'd like to request that anyone who does see one and is able to determine their source to let me know. I'm really struggling to figure out where they are coming from since I'm not seeing them.

Thanks to the Shakers who have been in communication with me about these issues.

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