
screen cap of two tweets authored by me reading: 1. I keep getting super weird invitations to try out for reality shows. No thank you! 2. Yes, I am indeed a fat woman in a loving relationship. No, I do not want to be on your reality show.

On Twitter, @tiarala asked (rhetorically): "WHY IS THAT REALITY SHOW MATERIAL?!" To which I replied: "Because we are like UNICORNS! Fat, fat unicorns."

I have also gotten asked if I want to audition for a reality show about women who are the black sheep in their families, and whether I know anyone who might be interested in trying out for a drag queen competition reality show. There was another one, Danish IIRC, inviting me to be on a show about what it's like to be a fat American. Among others.

I eagerly await my invitation to be a display from the San Diego Zoo.

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