Illinois House Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY legal same-sex marriage is about to become fact in Illinois!
The House today narrowly approved a gay marriage bill, clearing the way for Illinois to become the 15th state to legalize same-sex unions.

The bill got 61 votes, one more than the bare minimum needed to send the measure back to the Senate for final approval that's expected later today. Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn has said he would sign the bill into law should it reach his desk.

...Under the measure, the definition of marriage in Illinois would change from an act between a man and a woman to one between two people. Civil unions could be converted to marriages within a year of the law going on the books.

...Rep. Kelly Cassidy, an openly gay North Side lawmaker, begged lawmakers to consider what they will tell people in the future about the vote.

"What did you do when faced with this historic moment?" Cassidy asked.

She recounted how she had to rush from Springfield to Chicago to be with partner who was hospitalized while being in excruciating pain. But Cassidy said she had to weigh whether she could go "straight to her side" or spend an extra hour picking up paperwork that showed she had the legal right to be with her.

"Please, vote 'yes' and join us on the right side of history," Cassidy said.
And they did! Or at least enough of them to pass the legislation! All the blubs forever! *rainbow confetti*

[H/T to Jordan.]

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