Hooray! Boo.

[Content Note: Homophobia; transphobia.]

NBC News: "The Senate approved historic legislation Thursday to expand workplace protections for gay, lesbian and transgender Americans. But the bill faces a bleak future in the GOP-led House. The final vote was 64-32. Ten Republicans voted with all Democrats in favor of passage. ...Despite the bipartisan vote in the upper chamber, the legislation appears unlikely to get a vote in the House. Republican House Speaker John Boehner opposes the bill [and a] spokesman for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said there are no plans for the House to take up the legislation."

The spokesman indicated that Cantor did have firm plans to stick his fingers in his ears and say LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU.

House Republicans are the fucking worst. THE FUCKING WORST.

My contempt for the privileged, insensitive, indecent, hateful, bigoted heapshits of that reprehensible caucus is so colossal that I fear it may throw the very earth out of its orbit if I spend too long contemplating the vast fuckery of denying basic protections to people rendered vulnerable by broken laws conceived by self-interested men.

Just kidding. I have been seething about it for SO MANY YEARS and the world still spins as ever.

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