Shutdown Update: The Deal Has Been Struck

The US Senate has reportedly struck a deal which will end the shutdown and temporarily raise the debt limit. Via the Guardian:
Here's a summary of the deal announced on the Senate floor. The bill would:

• Reopen government and fund it through 15 January 2014.

• Push the debt ceiling deadline back to 7 February 2014 (but NOT abolish "emergency measures" the Treasury could use to protect against default past that date).

• Appoint members of a budget conference committee to join the House in trying to pass a budget and end the cycle of standoffs.

• Institute an anti-fraud provision in Obamacare requiring government to confirm financial need of the recipients of health subsidies.
There's no bill yet to be signed, so the government is still in shutdown at the moment. The next step:
Congress will now attempt to quickly advance the legislation through both the House and Senate throughout the day in hopes of avoiding default on the national debt and reopening the government, although the exact order of that process remains unclear.

Crucially, stalwart conservatives in the Senate – particularly Texas Sen. Ted Cruz – said they would not use procedural tactics to slow a vote on the legislation, brightening the prospects for a quick solution.
Gee, thanks.

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