Sandusky Loses Appeal

[Content Note: Sexual violence.]

Back in January of this year, former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky, who was sentenced the previous October "to not less than 30 years and no more than 60 years in prison with credit for time served" for the sexual abuse of 10 boys, appealed his conviction on the alleged basis that he did not get an adequate defense because his attorneys had insufficient time to prepare after being overwhelmed by documentation from prosecutors (TOO MUCH EVIDENCE AGAINST OUR CLIENT, YOUR HONOR!) and because the counts against Sandusky were "too broad" to allow them to prepare an adequate defense (LAWYERING IS HARD).

Anyway. The appeal has been denied.
Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky should not get a new trial after being convicted of sexually abusing 10 boys, a Pennsylvania appeals court ruled Wednesday.

The unanimous decision by a three-judge superior court panel came barely two weeks after they heard oral arguments by Sandusky's lawyer and a state prosecutor.

Sandusky's attorney "said he planned to ask the state supreme court to review the case." Of course he did.

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