In the News

Here is some stuff in the news today. Your threads on the shutdown and the US Capital shooting are, respectively, here and here.

[Content Note: Guns; domestic violence] Related to the story below: The Supreme Court will consider "the scope of a federal law that bans people who have been convicted of domestic violence from owning a gun."

If you are an Adobe customer, you'd better read this security announcement from their Chief Security Officer.

The Cruelty of Republican States in One Chart.

Wendy Davis is running for governor of Texas! Woot!

[CN: Homophobia; incest] Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett compared same-sex marriage to incest. Welp, he seems like a swell guy. (By which I mean a terrible guy.)

The latest in squatch hunting. True Fact: If I had $500,000 to throw around, I would not use it to try to prove the existence of Bigfoot! But that's just me! You do you, bro.

[Parks & Rec Spoiler] Rob Lowe, who is leaving Parks & Rec later this season, is getting his own NBC sitcom called The Pro, about a "former tennis doubles champion 'Big Ben' Bertrahm, whose career flame-out and misguided investments have left him working as the pro at a tennis and golf club, where he tries to hustle and charm his way back into America's 1%." That sounds like a premise that could only conceivably work with Rob Lowe as the star! Good luck, Rob Lowe!

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