An Observation

The US House of Representatives has always been a bit of an eccentrics' club, which is my polite attempt at acknowledging that there have always been people who weren't very smart and/or well-versed in government who could get elected to the House—like, say, someone who believes there are four branches of the US government. (Yikes.)

But up until my early adulthood, the US Senate was still generally a place for people who knew what the fuck was going on. Sure, Senator Richard Lugar and I might have disagreed on every single thing ever including the color of the very sky, but I never doubted that he was an intelligent person who knew how the government functioned. And believed that it should function.

And now that's just...gone. I have no faith that the Republican base will elect people, to either the House or the Senate, who aren't just ideological stomp-monsters without the faintest shred of interest in or understanding of how anything works. I listen to Republicans talk on the news, and a frightening number of them are essentially clueless about the business of governance.

The Republican Caucus is devoid of technocrats. They've all been replaced by rightwing protestors.

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