
Al Gore lets the Republicans have it:

[clip begins partway through former Vice-President Al Gore's speech at the Brookings Institution this morning] ...I will have more to say about this [climate change report] on many other occasions, but, because this report was released just hours before we gathered here, I would not have felt right about not addressing it.

Now, I'm gonna talk about the potential for a shutdown in just a moment, but, uh, I think the only phrase that describes it is political terrorism. "Nice global economy you got there. Be a shame if we had to destroy it. We have a list of demands. If you don't meet 'em all by our deadline, we'll blow up the global economy."

[pause] Really? Um. Where are the American people in this? Why does partisanship have anything to do with such a despicable and dishonorable threat to the integrity of the United States of America?
He could barely contain his contempt. Beautiful.

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