In The News

Here is some stuff in the news today!

Trayvon Martin's parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, have met with federal investigators and prosecutors to discuss the status of the Justice Department's investigation of their son's murder. Still no news on whether there will be federal charges, though.

[Content Note: Sexual harassment] Another day; another woman comes forward with sexual harassment allegations against San Diego Mayor Bob Filner. That makes nine.

Democratic Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison continues to be a good egg and makes me joyblub by singing "This Land Is Your Land" in celebration of legalized same-sex marriage in his state.

Anita Sarkeesian, professional badass, debuts Episode Three of Tropes vs. Women.

[CN: Gendered violence; attempted murder; rape; coercion] I don't write about "feminist ally" Hugo Schwyzer because fuck him. But he has decided to leave the internets because, after disclosing his history of attempted murder and rape, and affairs with students, he was subjected to the same sort of harassment I get every day just for being a fat feminist woman who asserts her right to take up space in the world, having not tried to murder or rape anyone. He is terrible. But this piece by Dianna E. Anderson about redemption narratives is great and you should definitely read it.

James Cameron is going to film three Avatar sequels all at once! Pretty exciting news for people who enjoyed Avatar, I guess! I am not one of those people! But I'm happy for anyone who is so excited!

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