Discussion Thread: Swimming

Recently, I've had so many awesome and terrible conversations with female friends about swimming. Partly because it's summer here, and those conversations tend to happen here, and partly because of this post, in which I wrote about decided to swim again, despite the cultural disincentives against it, because I love to swim so much.

So, here is a post, for anyone who wants to talk about swimming: How much you love it; how much you don't love it; how you have trouble finding a bathing suit; how you don't know what to do with your hair; how you don't care what people think of your body; how you care so much what people think of your body that it stops you from swimming; how you feel self-conscious about scars or hairy legs or a fat belly; how you got over being self-conscious; how wonderful it feels to float in the water; how you are taking swimming lessons; how you wish you had a pool; how you miss the smell of the ocean; how you found the best goggles ever; whatever.

The only requirement is this: Please don't offer advice to anyone who doesn't explicitly solicit it. Thanks!

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