Daily Dose of Cute

Over the weekend, Sophie was lying on the ottoman next to me while I was reading, and Dudley came up to her to say hi. Every time they interact, it's hilarious and adorable just by virtue of his being a ginormous dog-horse and her being a titchy cat-mouse, but when this happens it is just THE BEST:

image of Dudley the Greyhound sniffing Sophie the Torbie Cat's head
1. Dudley sniffs Sophie's head.

image of Sophie marking Dudley's muzzle with her cheek
2. Sophis marks Dudley's impossibly long muzzle with her impossibly tiny cheek.

image of Dudley licking Sophie's head
3. Dudley grooms Sophie's head.

And then everyone in the house squeeeeeeeeeeeees ten million times and falls over from TOO MUCH CUTE!

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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