We're All Devastated, I'm Sure

[Content Note: Image of gun.]

Rick Perry says he's not seeking a fourth term as governor of Texas. OH NO! LEAVING SO SOON? HOW SAD FOR US ALL, ESPECIALLY THE LADIES OF TEXAS!
Rick Perry has announced that he will not stand for re-election as governor of Texas, paving the way for a possibly unencumbered run at the White House in 2016.
Super! I was worried there for a second I would never have the opportunity to write "Rick Perry is still definitely in the race! He has not dropped out yet!" ever again, but now it looks like I will get to write it SO MANY MORE TIMES! Yay!

image of Rick Perry pointing a gun in the air and hollering like the dipshit he is
This fucking guy.

The thing I find most incredible about Rick Perry is that he actually thinks the shit going down in Texas right now is going to make him a stronger national candidate. HA HA NO.

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