Today in Rape Culture

[Content Note: Rape culture; victim-blaming.]

There is, yet again, another "rape prevention tips" meme going around social media. I'm not going to link to it; if you haven't seen it, consider yourself lucky. Suffice it to say it's another piece of victim-blaming shit that tasks women with taking preventative measures so we won't be raped, eliding the existence of the rape culture and ignoring that what every rape victim shares in common is being in the presence of a rapist and perpetuating the rape-abetting narrative that someone other than rapists are accountable for rape.

Here then, again, is my handy guide to rape prevention:

image of a handwritten list labeled 'Melissa's Handy Guide to Rape Prevention' with 10 rape prevention tips, all of which read 'Don't rape anyone.'

The only people at whom rape prevention tips need to be directed are rapists. The end.

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