Shorter Pat Buchanan

[CN: white supremacy, racism, violence.]

Actual headline: "Black America's Real problem Isn't White Racism."

Alternative headline: "LET ME WHITESPLAIN THIS TO YOU!"

Actual excerpt: "Though blacks are outnumbered 5-to-1 in the population by whites, they commit eight times as many crimes against whites as the reverse. By those 2007 numbers, a black male was 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse. If interracial crime is the ugliest manifestation of racism, what does this tell us about where racism really resides — in America?"

Alternative wording:"Let me throw around some statistics that confirm racist stereotypes about crime, statistics which are in no way biased, because certainly it's not that white people get away with murdering POC, whereas Black people get arrested and convicted for murdering white people. Because statistics are farted out of the Statistic Fairy's (white) ass, and are therefore unbiased and objective! Nah, white people are the REAL victims here! Oh, is that an obscene way to respond to the murder of teenage boys? Is that some morally repugnant horseshit? Hahaaha I don't fucking care because I am a huge racist! And people paid me to write this white supremamcist dungheap! Yay me!"

Helpful suggestion: Hey, Pat! GO FUCK YOURSELF.

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