In The News

[Content note: Gun violence, misogyny, racism, homophobia, disaster]

News, π, and Information:

At least 67 people have been shot across the city of Chicago since Wednesday afternoon during the long holiday weekend, 11 fatally.

About 40 people were declared missing amid a rising death toll in a Quebec town that saw its downtown core obliterated by the fiery explosions of a runaway train.

Ebony "Wondagurl" Oshunrinde, a 16-year-old Canadian schoolgirl, produced a track on Jay-Z's latest album. Awesome!

Nessie may be just be fart bubbles!

Speaking of fart bubbles: Ted Nugent is considering a run for the White House. LOLOLOL!!! Yes! This would be hilarious and awesome! Do it, you dipshit!

Also: Rick Perry is scheduled to announce plans for his political future, leaving open the question of whether he'll seek an unprecedented fourth term next year or try again to seek the White House. Good lord.

In other political aspiration: Eliot Spitzer, who resigned as governor of New York amid a prostitution scandal, is running for the citywide office of comptroller of New York City. Seriously?

Attention bargain hunters: All Paula Deen cookware is on sale at Target.

New Jersey Senate Democrats say they will hold a vote to override Governor Chris Christie's veto of a marriage equality bill.

A Boeing 777 crash landed at SFO, killing two passengers.

Beginning next year, a same-sex couple applying for a marriage license in the state of Indiana will be guilty of a Level 6 felony, punishable by 18 months in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Meanwhile: A Louisiana official is drafting a proposal that would outlaw the flying of the rainbow flag in any public venue.

The United States Navy has authorized active duty servicemembers to wear their uniforms in the San Diego LGBT Pride Parade.

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