Thanks to everyone who's inquired about what's going on with our AC. The AC tech finally came out last night, and, unfortunately, it's the worst possible news: The compressor is shot, and it's an old unit which is incompatible with new freon, so the whole thing has to be replaced. It's going to take a few days and be very expensive blah blah fart. I feel very lucky that the weather isn't worse than it is.

So, in the meantime, I am hot and crabby. I would love to go sit at a cafe somewhere, but then I'd have to close up the whole house, which wouldn't be safe for the animals, since it gets REALLY hot in here, even with the windows open.

Thank you so much for all the cooling images, which have made me laugh, and the suggestions for beating the heat. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go dunk my head in a kitchen sink full of ice.

Take it away, Buster Poindexter!

[Video Description: Video of Buster Poindexter's "Hot Hot Hot."]

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