Compassionate Conservatives

The Republican Party is utterly devoid of decency. I know that's not exactly breaking news, but they just passed the farm bill without funding for food stamps, promising to get back to it later:
The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives defied a White House veto threat and passed a farm bill on Thursday that expands the taxpayer-subsidized crop insurance system but omitted food stamps for the poor.

Lawmakers passed the 608-page bill, unveiled by Republican leaders late on Wednesday night, on a 216-208, party-line vote after two hours of debate in which no amendments were allowed.

Republican leaders said food stamps, traditionally part of the farm bill, would be handled later and that, for now, they needed a way to start negotiations with the Senate over a compromise bill.

Democrats said the real intent of the action was to isolate food stamps for large cuts in funding.
Of course that's the plan. Because, like their last nominee, the Republican Party doesn't believe people are entitled to food. People on food stamps are "takers, not makers." They're too lazy to work (and please pay no attention to the millions of workers behind the curtain who are working their asses off for greedy megacorps who won't pay them enough to not need food stamps). If people reliant on government aid are so darn hungry, they should just eat their bootstraps. Etc.
"A vote for this bill is a vote to end nutrition programs in America," said Rose DeLauro, a Connecticut Democrat.

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said, "You are taking food out of the mouths of your own poor constituents. What are you thinking?"
That their constituents will starve if it means Republicans will protect them from kissing boys and feminist abortionists and scary brown immigrants. Except whooooooooops public support for same-sex marriage, abortion, and immigration reform that includes amnesty is up. Too bad corporations can't vote! Although I'm sure SCOTUS will take care of that oversight soon.
At latest count, 47.6 million people, or nearly one in seven Americans, received food stamps at an average of $132 a month, equal to $4.25 a day.

Enrollment has doubled since 2004 and the cost of the program, $74 billion last year, has tripled. Fiscally conservative lawmakers say the pricetag is unbearable when the federal deficit must be reduced.
The pricetag is unbearable. But starving USians isn't. Raising taxes on corporations and the wealthiest people in the country is unbearable. But starving USians isn't. Acknowledging that the federal deficit alarmism is unmitigated horseshit being mendaciously used to undermine funding of the social safety net is unbearable. But starving USians isn't.

The Republican Party is ethically bankrupt. They are criminals who scheme against the basic welfare of their own constituents, in order that banks and box stores can make more money.

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