
So, this dude is making a movie about former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called Rodham. Personally, I think it should be a musical called Rodham! featuring lots of jazzhands and the Rainbow Pantsuits Dancers, but that is why the Weinsteins don't give me silly money to make movies.


Rodham is an "indie drama [which] portrays Rodham as a young lawyer on the committee involved in President Richard Nixon's impeachment, and her juggling a diverging career path with her unresolved feelings for future president Bill Clinton." Sounds perfect.

Carey Mulligan, whom you may know from An Education or Never Let Me Go or The Great Gatsby or some other film I haven't seen, is rumored to be leading the competition to be cast as a young Hillary Rodham.

image of a young Hillary Rodham next to an image of actress Carey Mulligan

What say you? Good (potential) casting? Yay? Nay? Who would you cast in my version of Rodham! which would definitely be the movie you wanted to see, if you wanted to see any movie about Hillary Rodham Clinton at all?

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