Question of the Day

What was your favorite costume when you were a kid? A Halloween costume, a Purim costume, a Mardi Gras costume, a birthday party costume, a LARPing costume, a fancy dress party costume, a costume you wore in a play or talent show, a costume you made yourself, anything.

As I have previously mentioned, I loved Laverne & Shirley so much as a kid that, I shit you not, a childhood friend and I performed the theme song for a school talent show when we were in third grade. My mom even stitched an L (for Liss/Laverne) onto my blouse for the occasion!

image of me at age 9, standing in my living room in a sassy pose, with my hand on my hip, my hair tied up in a scarf, my jeans rolled up, and sporting a blouse with a cursive L on it

There is nothing we won't try;
Never heard the word "impossible."
This time there's no stopping us—
We're gonna do it!

Which is more awesome, do you think? My sassy pose, or that orange and brown shag carpeting? I'm going to call it a draw.

Anyway! That was for sure one of my favorite childhood costumes. I WAS Laverne DeFazio wearing that blouse! Hell yeah we're gonna do it!

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