In The News

[Content note: Racism, homophobia, misogyny]

Adrian Zmed Wants You To Know All About This Stuff:

A study has revealed that gay marriage has no impact on opposite-sex marriage rates. Whut? This needed to be studied? Okay!

Pakistan ranks second in the world, after similarly gay-intolerant Kenya, for volume of searches for the search term "gay sex pics." Okay!

Also, follow my Twitter for "gay sex pics." (Please don't follow me.)

Speaking of the man of steel: Warner Bros. Studios is aggressively marketing their new film to Christian pastors and producing special film trailers that focus on the faith-friendly angles of the movie.

So, basically, the whole Zimmerman family is a nightmare.

Here is a translation of a bill that's in the process of approval in the Brazilian Congress that creates the Statute of the Unborn.

Japan's Eco Cycle Anti-Seismic Underground Bicycle Park is super neat.

A new New Zealand law might allow for low risk designer drugs. Get your e-shrooms on, Hobbits!

One person was killed and several others were injured in an explosion at a south Louisiana chemical plant, only miles from where another blast the previous day led to the deaths of two plant workers.

Whenever someone mentions Fox and Friends I almost immediately think of Fassbinder. Is that normal?

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