In The News

[Content note: Gun violence, homophobia, terrorism]

All Wormholes Belong to Morgan Freeman:

The crane operator wanted on involuntary manslaughter and other charges tied to a deadly Philadelphia building collapse has turned himself in.

Prince Harry saved an openly-gay soldier from a violent attack.

Long Island Democrat Steve Israel will introduce legislation that would see the repeal of dishonorable discharges of gays and lesbians who were drummed out of the military when their sexuality was revealed.

Abigail Heyman, a photographer whose stark portraits of women at work, at home and at weddings gave a visual concreteness to feminist doctrine of the 1970s about the oppressiveness of traditional female roles, has died.

Welcome to Obama's America!!!

Cory Booker has declared his candidacy for the Senate in this year's special election to fill the seat of the late Democratic Senator Frank Lautenberg.

Mitt Romney: Still a jackass.

A 4-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his father in Arizona this weekend.

An actress who appeared in a bit part on The Walking Dead has been arrested for recent ricin mailings.

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