Tom Hardy and a Puppy Visit Petra

actor Tom hardy, holding a grey pit bull puppy who is licking its nose, stands in front of the monastery at Petra, a building carved into the side of a mountain

"Tom," said the puppy, licking its nose, "how do I stop worrying about things?" And Tom said, "I don't know if it's possible to stop worrying about things, puppy." And the puppy said, "Well, I'd like to worry less, at least." And Tom said, "Everyone's different, puppy—and some people and puppies can't control their anxiety very easily, or at all—but one of things we can all do for each other is not judge one another for worrying. The last thing any of us needs is to be shamed for worrying, which never helps." And the puppy said, "That's so true. You don't seem to worry a whole lot, Tom." And Tom said, "Well, puppy, I try to remember that if something isn't in my control, then worrying does no good at all; it only makes me feel bad. And that if something is in my control, then I should trust in my own competency. That helps. But I still worry sometimes." And the puppy said, "Thanks for telling me that, Tom. At least I don't have to worry that I'm alone in worrying about things." And Tom said, "Nope." And they high-fived.

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