So This Happened

Doesn't that title just imbue dread? Fear not! This is A Good Thing™!

luceo non uro

Yesterday I got my first tattoo! I've been wanting one for years upon years but the timing was never quite right in the past. I've always liked tattoos, in general; the body as a canvass is such a beautiful concept.

As far as my tattoo, it says (in Latin): luceo non uro. Which means: I shine, not burn.

The color will lighten just a bit to resemble the deep, rich color of henna. I was really anxious about the pain aspect but I was so surprised to find that, for me, it barely hurt. It was uncomfortable but actual pain was very, very little.

So, if you've read the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, you probably recognized it right off. They are some of my absolute favorite books and the Clan Mackenzie motto (which it is in real life, as well) struck a chord with me the first time I read it a few years ago. So my tattoo is, in part, a literary reference to the books I love so very much. I've also adopted the saying as a sort of my own personal motto. As for the timing now, I'm leaving Oregon here in about four weeks and this was, in part, a way of taking my adopted home with me.

I do love it so. <3

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