Open Thread

image of a bronze statue of a young Laotian-American soldier, holding a gun; beside him, in bronze form, lies his Belgian Malinois dog

Hosted by a memorial statue of fallen Navy Seal Team Six support member
John Douangdara and his military combat dog Bart.

The statue will be unveiled today, which is Memorial Day in the US, in Douangdara's hometown of South Sioux City. You can read more here about the statue, the sculptor, Susan Bahary, and what Douangdara's family and friends had to say about him and the statue. And here is more about Douangdara, right after he was lost. And here is a picture of Master at Arms Petty Officer 1st Class John Douangdara and Bart in service together.

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As I noted on Friday, many of us have Memorial Day plans today, so we're taking the day off and we'll be back with a full schedule tomorrow.

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