Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by leaves.

Recommended Reading:

The latest in the Naming and Identity series: Rebekah.

Ed: 527, 501(c)(4), Whatever

Janell: The Rise of Beyoncé, The Fall of Lauryn Hill: A Tale of Two Icons [Content Note: The post at this link includes discussion of racism, misogyny, policing, and shaming.]

Christie: Is Obama Delivering on His Promise of a "21st Century" Approach to Drugs?

FMF News: Cervical Cancer Vaccines Will Be Available for $4.50 in Poor Nations

crunkadelic: Getting Free & Staying Free

Ana: The No Place Like Home Trope

Seth: Detroit's Fast Food Workers Strike as National Trend Grows

Angry Asian Man: 13-Year-Old Meets Bone Marrow Donor Who Saved Her Life

BYP: After 17 Years, Long Lost Sisters Reunited at Track Meet

And Jess and I talk about the latest episode of Game of Thrones here. Fair warning: This edition is a little more spoilery than usual.

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