Meanwhile, at Gitmo...

[Content Note: Abuse.]

While the reprobates and miscreants known as the Republican Congressional delegation obsess about Ben Gazzara's tax returns or whatever, rotating between cable news shows who devotedly indulge their alarmist declarations about impeachable offenses worse than Watergate, daily life at Gitmo continues to degenerate.

Detainees on hunger strikes continue to be force-fed against their wills during their endless detentions without charge or trial, and the young guards tasked with maintaining the prison must navigate verbal and physical abuse as part of their jobs. (And I suspect the abuse goes both ways, in many cases, though of course that won't be reported.) The guards have no influence over the policy that keeps the detainees in this garbage hell prison, but they are the only representatives of the government who has condemned the detainees to whom they have access.

What the fuck are we doing? Benghazi? The IRS? Are you fucking kidding me? Get it together, D.C., for chrissakes.

Gitmo. Violent oppression. Drones. Garbage wages. Unemployment. Crumbling infrastructure. Exploding shit. Literal exploding shit. This is hardly a comprehensive list. AND YOU'RE FUCKING AROUND WITH PARTISAN BICKERING? FUCK YOU.

Here's a hot tip, Congress: The people languishing at Gitmo don't hate us for our freedom. Some of them certainly hate us because we spend more time and energy talking about some minor-league fuck-up at an IRS outpost than we do having a serious conversation about murdering people with drones and throwing people in a dungeon for a fucking decade without any promise or glimpse of justice. And, quite frankly, I hate us for that, too.

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