If Only the Media Would Talk about Republicans!

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) ripped the media in a speech Tuesday to the Ripon Society, arguing press coverage is partly responsible for the GOP's messaging woes.

Cantor, who has tried to recast the image of the GOP with his Making Life Work agenda, said the party's economic message is often drowned out by coverage of debt and deficits.

"The media has done a great job of sort of shoving us in the corner, because all they say we are concerned with is somehow balancing the budget and cutting spending and taking things away from people," Cantor said. "What we're trying to say is that we need to do those things in order to reenergize the opportunity machine of America. We're about giving people opportunity. And that's really what our agenda this year is about."
Poor Republicans! Shoved in a corner like that by the big meanie media! It must be terrible for the GOP that most of the media only promotes a conservative agenda 24 hours a day! OH THE HUMANITY.

And, gee, you know, Cantor has a point. You don't hear a lot about how the Republican Party is "about giving people opportunity." And it's definitely the media and not the fact that their garbage platform is, in fact, not about giving people opportunity, even a little bit.
Republicans have focused recently on crafting a more appealing political message, most notably in relation to minority voters. Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus has been traveling across the country meeting with minority leaders, and the RNC issued a post-campaign evaluation that called for more substantive engagement with minority communities.

Some in the GOP have also acknowledged the need to soften the party's economic message, arguing that it's easier for President Obama and Democrats to sell a message about government benefits than it is for Republicans to sell a vision of personal responsibility.
"Pander Bootstraps!"—Goat|Paperclip 2016.

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