Tom Hardy and a Puppy Visit the Grand Canyon

image of actor Tom Hardy, a young white man, holding a grey pit bull puppy in his arms; the puppy is licking its nose, and they are standing in front of the Grand Canyon

"Tom," the puppy said, licking its nose, "do you ever think about how an intangible thing like love can be so powerful?" And Tom said, "Sometimes I do think about that, puppy. I think about how love is a thing smaller than the tiniest grain of sand, but can somehow fill a space as big as the glorious canyon in which we find ourselves." And the puppy said, "I think that's the secret to the resiliency of love, Tom. It is so small and so big it can never be crushed, and just when it seems to have disappeared from one space, it emerges in another, having taken a wholly different shape." And Tom said, "I think you're right, puppy. I think you're right." And then they turned, and, as if it had been choreographed by a schmaltzy hack with a gift for the accidentally profound, they both yelled into the canyon, "LONG LIVE LOVE!" and the words reverberated through the vast and ancient space carved from stone.

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