The Parks and Rec Open Thread

image of Ben (Adam Scott) lying in a hospital bed making a stoned face while hopped up on morphine
Iceclown on Morphine: An American Portrait.

(Spoilers are getting totally stoned herein.)

Parks and Rec is back! Yay! Ronald Ulysses Swanson has been served! Softypants McHuggable! Icetown! Fred the Sled! FRED. THE. SLED. Other things!

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "We should sue Jamm's parents for spawning a human turdburger."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "April, could you call maintenance, please?"

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "You're so sexy when you talk about percentages."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "You wanna make a baby, Traeger? Your hair, my everything else...that kid would be unstoppable."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "I love telling the truth. Case in point: Sometimes when I blow my nose I get a boner. I dunno why. It just happens. Truth bomb!"

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "Just daydreaming about punching Jamm in the face."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "I'm feeding your eagle. He's STARVING."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "I regret nothing. The end."

There weren't a lot of huge laughs for me in this episode—besides Donna's "that kid would be unstoppable" speech, which made me laugh out loud for one million years—but it was a very solid episode! I enjoyed it!


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