This Is My New Favorite Movie

[Content Note: Violence; scatological humor.]

The title is pretty much all the introduction it needs: The Shining Meets Dumb & Dumber. It is The Shining's "Here's Johnny!" scene intercut with Dumb & Dumber's explosive shit scene. Classics collide!

Video Description: Set to ominous music, Jack Nicholson (as Jack Torrance in The Shining) walks up interior stairs, carrying an ax and looking menacing. Cut to Jeff Daniels (as Harry Dunne in Dumb & Dumber) frantically trying to open interior doors. He eventually finds an unlocked door and runs inside the room behind it. Cut back to Nicholson: "Come out, come out, wherever you are." Cut back to Daniels, racing to a toilet with his hand on his butt. He hurriedly lifts the toilet lid and pulls down his pants. Cut to Nicholson, now outside an interior door. He tries the knob and finds it locked. He knocks, with a disturbing expression. From the other side of the door comes the sounds of Daniels having explosive diarrhea. Cut to Daniels shitting his guts out. Ominous music continues to play. Cut back to Nicholson: "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!" Cut back to Daniels laughing with relief and farting. Cut back to Nicholson: "Not by the hair on your chinny-chin-chin?!" Cut to Daniels cracking a window in the bathroom. Cut back to Nicholson: "Then I'll huff! And I'll puff! And I'll blow your house in!" Cut to Daniels waving stink out the window. Cut to Nicholson swinging the ax at the door. Cut to Daniels looking alarmed, still sitting on the toilet. Cut to Nicholson whacking at the door. Cut to Daniels: "Be right out!" Cut to Nicholson pressing his face through the hole in the door he's made: "Here's Johnny!" Cut to a zoom in on Daniels' alarmed face: "Huh?!" Text Onscreen: "Harry Dunne: 1955-1994."

[Via Filmdrunk.]

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